Actor Hrithik Roshan today announced the release date of his Marathi debut “Hrudayantar,” directed by fashion designer-turned-filmmaker Vikram Phadnis.
The 43-year-old actor took to Twitter to share the news.
“So happy to announce release date of #Hrudayantar a film that I am happy to be a part of! Directed by my friend @vikramphadnis1 @hrudayantarfilm,” Hrithik tweeted.
Produced by Vikram Phadnis Productions and Young Berry Entertainment, “Hrudayantar” is an emotional drama.
The movie also stars Mukta Barve, Sonali Khare and Subodh Bhave.
“I am very excited. I was working on the film since past 3 years and finally my story is reaching to the audience in theatres on June 9. I am excited and anxious,” Phadnis said in a statement.