Nagpur News : Unidentified youths entered a house and looted cash and valuables worth Rs 78,000 under Hudkeswar Police Station area on Monday night. According to information, Sudhakar Ramji Umarhande (62), a resident of Plot No. 226, Mhadgi Nagar, was sleeping in her house with her family. He lived at 2nd floor of his house and had locked the first floor. At night, few unidentified youths broke open the lock and gained entry in the house.
The thieves stole cash and valuables worth Rs 78,000 from the almirah kept on the first floor. Sudhakar discovered the theft in the morning and immediately lodged a complaint with Hudkeshwar Police Station. PSI Jadhav informed that an offence of theft was registered against unidentified thieves under the Sections 457 and 380 of the IPC. Further investigations are under way.