Nagpur News : Taking cognizance of the stress and mental trauma students face due to Std X and XII Board examinations, Maharashtra State Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board has declared a helpline number for them. Teachers have been appointed in every district to help the students with their problems. And teachers will be available 24×7 on these numbers.
For Nagpur District, Ujwala Patil can be contacted on 75887424.
For Wardha District, R D Choudhary has been assigned to help the students. Choudhary can be contacted on 9561601151, for Bhandara R T Waghmare can be contacted on 9890447045. Students from Chandrapur District may contact Satish Patil on 9421914353.
For Gadchiroli District, D S Jawnjal can be contacted on 9421817089 and for Gondia, students may contact Milind Rangari on 9404860735. All the assigned teachers have taken one year counseling course.
This decision was taken following requests from over 6,000 parents and students asking for counseling of students. Parents complained that students face high pressure and tense due to the examinations. This affects their mental and physical health.
It is to be mentioned that the number of examiners assigned for Std XII examinations were 1,65,960 while that for Std X, the number of examiners was 2,06,773. The Centres available for Std XII examinations was 383 and for Std X it was 652.
Chandramani Borkar, Regional Director, Maharashtra State Board said “These helpline numbers will provide guidance to students regarding their doubts for examinations.
Also, teachers will be able to guide students to tackle the mental stress they through during examinations. Thus, it may help to avert some untoward incidents.”