Nagpur: Timely action from a good samaritan and police party saved the lives of two 15 year old boys on Monday. The boys had their luck shine bright as both were saved from drowning in Jhilpi lake where they went for picknicking and entered into the deep waters. Kamlesh Titarmare, a villager from Mohgaon Jhilpi who is also a police mitra in his vicinity jumped into Jhilpi lake to save the two boys, both resident of Wanadongri.
As Titarmare brought out the two boys from water, he spotted a police patrol van from Hingna police station. Both the boys were semi conscious at that time. Both were then rushed to the rural hospital in Hingna by PSI Dhanorkar and the police party.
Both the boys were later discharged after getting the primary treatment.
As the boys were saved in the nick of time, the villagers have much appreciated the efforts of Titarmare and police party.