Nagpur: A 64-year old man, reportedly an oil merchant, was robbed of Rs 4.25 lakh cash by four unidentified miscreants who diverted his attention on the pretext of seeking address of someone and pilfered the money kept in an Activa moped. The incident took place in East Wardhaman Nagar of Lakadganj on Friday night.
The victim, Hazarilal Kanhaiyyalal Nagpal (64), resident of Plot No. 34, Wardhaman Nagar (East) owns a shop named Nagpal Traders near Nehru Statue in Itwari. Every day, Hazarilal Nagpal used to keep the daily collection cash in a private bank locker before returning home. On Friday, the lockers were closed at 5 pm following commencement of Ganesh festival. After closing his shop, Nagpal kept Rs 4.25 lakh in the utility box of his Honda Activa and returned home around 8.30 pm. As he reached near his house, four men on two motorcycles who were already standing in front of his house, approached him on the pretext of asking an address. One of them kept busy in talking and diverted his attention slyly. Nagpal, who had parked his Honda Activa near his house, started showing direction of the address. At the same time, the other accomplices opened the utility box of Nagpal’s Activa and stealthily pilfered the bag containing cash. By the time Nagpal came to know of the theft, it was too late as the robbers had fled the spot.
Lakadganj PSI P R Sakhre, acting on the complaint of Nagpal, has booked the four unidentified robbers under Sections 379, 34 of the IPC and launched a search to nab them.