Nagpur: Senior BJP leader and corporator Dayashankar Tiwari stormed up Ganeshpeth police station on Sunday over a petty issue and started throwing expletives upon the men in khaki. A video showing Tiwari hurling abuses at the police officers went viral on social media. In the video, the policemen were seen as mute spectators while Tiwari continued to misbehave with them. The police women at the police station recorded this entire episode on their mobile phone.
When Nagpur Today tried to dig into the issue, it turned out that a man named Vaibav Dixit, said to be close to Tiwari, was on Sunday riding through Moksha Dham road on his two-wheeler along with one of his friends. Meanwhile, the cops were checking the vehicles under drunken-drive operation on the same road. Spotting the cops, Dixit turned his bike and got slipped on the muddy road. Both of them reportedly received minor injuries. Later, Dixit approached Tiwari who rushed to the Ganeshpeth police station and vented his ire over the police officers.
When Nagpur Today contacted Dayashankar Tiwari in this regard, he jumped up to clarify that the cops manhandled the boys and also thrashed them, following which one of them got injured. He also alleged that the policeman who beat them up was in inebriated state and demanded stern action against the concerned cop.
Meanwhile, social activist Nutan Revatkar strongly criticized Tiwari’s act of making mockery of the law. She has also submitted a demand before the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Police, seeking action against Tiwari.
Dayashankar apologises for abusive language, demands action against policemen
Corporator Dayashankar Tiwari, whose video of abusing a policeman has gone viral, has opened several unturned pages of the whole matter in a Press Conference.
As narrated by Tiwari, Sunday night brought a black spot on the City police when a huge hullaballoo was witnessed after a policeman brutally hit a boy. As informed by Tiwari in a Press Conference held here on Monday, two friends Vaibhav Dixit and Aditya Thakur, both 24, were on their way to return a friend’s sound system when the incident happened. It was around 11.40 p.m. when they reached near Medical Square where police had installed barricades for checking. The duo recalled that they had to withdraw cash from ATM for which, Vaibhav, who was driving, took a U turn. The moment when he turned the bike, a policeman hidden in the dark, later identified as Kishore Ramesh Jadhav by Aditya Thakur, hit hard on Vaibhav’s head. Vaibhav is a LLB student.
Both the boys belong to renowned families of the city. Vaibhav’s father is a prominent criminal lawyer while Aditya’s is a government employee. After the incident, Dixit requested the police to let him call his parents, currently in Gayaji. The police, however, declined him to call them earlier. After several requests, the boy was allowed to call his relative- Ashish Dixit.
No medical assistance granted to the boy for an hour:
The boy was forcefully kept in Ganeshpet police station till his relative reached. For about an hour, he was kept in a bleeding condition and no medical assistance was given to him by the police. Panicked by the situation, Ashish Dixit called Dayashankar Tiwari who reached the police station as well.
On duty inspector showed no coordination:
When Tiwari reached the police station and showed his protest against the whole issue, a heated argument started between him and on-duty inspector Kandekar. Dayashankar Tiwari, when demanded an action against the policeman, Kandekar refused to take any action. He, however, later called 3-4 policemen for identification in whom; one was identified by Aditya as the one who had hit Vaibhav.
The policeman was drunk during the incident:
After being spotted, Kishore Ramesh Jadhav, started arguing again, claiming that the boys were drunk. However, after the medical examination, it was discovered that it was not the boys who were drunk but Jadhav himself.
A Blackmail game was played:
Kandekar, after witnessing the aggression of Tiwari, attempted to blackmail him stating that if he forced the police to take an action against Jadhav, they will be taking an action against him as well.
Nevertheless, Tiwari has stated that any action can be taken against him but action against Jadhav must be taken.
Apologising for the viral video, Tiwari said, “I know I was wrong on my part to use an abusive language. However, the situation was such that I lost control. I am ready to face consequences but, the whole picture must be clear. I also demand strict action against both the police officers failing which I will write to the CM”. He added that this is a case of highly irresponsible and punkish behaviour from the city police’s end.