Nagpur News: A class sixth girl of Vinayakrao Deshmukh High School in Shanti Nagar in Nagpur was reportedly raped by an unidentified man who was still out of Lakadganj police net. The victim left for school at 6 in the morning. On reaching the school, an unknown man allegedly took her behind the school building and forced himself upon her.
The accused who forcibly took the girl behind Vinayakrao Deshmukh High School premises located in Shanti Nagar was reportedly wearing a chocolate colored t-shirt and night pant.
The girl later revealed the incident to her mother and then police complaint was lodged. The girl’s father said that they are under immense threat as such incidents are occurring too often. The circumstances have led middle class to think whether they should send their wards to school or not. Safety is certainly missing from the city.
The police inspector of Lakadganj police Sonawane informed that the complaint has been filed while the accused is still out of trace.