Nagpur: Former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, who has launched a blistering attack on economic policies of NDA Government on Sunday evening met BJP MP from Bhandara-Gondia Nana Patole at Nagpur airport. At the VIP lounge, Patole and Sinha, both unhappy with BJP’s central leadership, held the closed door parleys.
From last few weeks, Patole had not spared a single chance to criticise his own governments at Centre and State over issues like farmers’ suicide, loan waiver and economic policies. However, the BJP leadership did not respond due to which an emboldened Patole has increased the intensity of attack in last few days.
During the day, Sinha had delivered a lecture at Akola criticising Modi government and was waiting for his flight at Nagpur airport lounge. Patole grabbed this opportunity and made it a point to greet former Union Finance and External Affairs Minister.
According to sources, Sinha and Patole decided to hold a larger meeting of other BJP leaders who are critical of economic policies of the Central Government including former Disinvestment Minister Arun Shourie and cine-star Shatrughna Sinha, preferably at Nagpur.