Nagpur: B Venugopal Reddy, Secretary to Governor of Maharashtra CH Vidyasagar Rao on Monday administered the pledge of eradication of corruption to the staff and officers of Raj Bhavan on the first day of the Vigilance Awareness Week being celebrated all over the country. The Vigilance Awareness week will be celebrated in Maharashtra from October 30 to November 4, 2017.
In the message, the Governor said, “Institutional corruption arises due to unnecessary procedural formalities. During the Vigilance Awareness Week, officials and citizens should identify and do away with such practices and procedures which are archaic and no longer relevant.”
Reading the pledge with the Secretary to Governor, the employees and officers resolved ‘to work unstintingly for eradication of corruption’ and ‘to bring about integrity and transparency’ in all spheres of life.
The theme of the week would be “My Vision-Corruption Free India”