Nagpur: After resigning from Lok Sabha and leaving the Bharatiya Janata Party Nana Patole has come open and is making things clear. Today in a programme he spoke about the difference between him and Prime Minister. Patole talking to the media persons informed that Union Minister Nitin Gadkari was present when he and PM Narendra Modi had an argument.
Soon after the argument expressing shock over Narendra Modi’s behaviour Nitin Gadkari is alleged to have said to Patole “he calls home and humiliates.” When Gadkari said this Rajya Sabha Member Ajay Sancheti was also present with them. This Nana Patole told while answering to a question asked by scribe. The question was that Is Modi running the government according to his wishes and does not listen to anybody?
From time to time Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been meeting BJP MPs from various parts of the country. A few months back he called for a meeting of Maharashtra BJP MPs. During this, Nana Patole had argument with Narendra Modi over the OBC Ministry, since then Patole had started talking against the party. He accused the BJP of not listening to him over the farmers’ issue. As a MP he even tried to raise the issue of Separate Vidarbha but this was opposed within the party where as the BJP had promised to give Statehood to Vidarbha.