New Delhi: Rajya Sabha adjourned till 1430 hours as opposition uproar continues over disqualification of Sharad Yadav and other issues. Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad raises the issue of PM Narendra Modi’s allegations against former PM Manmohan Singh and others of conspiring with Pakistan for the just-concluded Gujarat Elections. Azad tells the House, ‘Yeh sadharan aarop nahi hai.”
The Congress has now moved a notice in the Rajya Sabha for remarks against Dr Manmohan Singh.
During the Gujarat election campaign, Prime Minister Modi had alleged Pakistan’s involvement in the state elections. He said his predecessor Manmohan Singh and other Congress leaders sought the neighbouring country’s involvement at a dinner attended by Pakistani guests.
Azad also raised the topic of the disqualification of Sharad Yadav from the Rajya Sabha. He said, “I was the only member from this House who went for the Mahagathbandhan (Grand Alliance) in Bihar, where Nitish Kumar was also there. What had been decided was that the chief minister of the Mahagathbandhan will be Nitish Kumar, and the votes will be asked-for on the basis of the Mahagathbandhan. Now you have left the ‘Grand Alliance’ high and dry. The mandate was for the ‘grand alliance’, not for Nitish Kumar. He must resign,” he said.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had sought Yadav’s disqualification after Yadav parted ways with Mr Kumar over the Bihar CM joining hands with the BJP in Bihar. Yadav was disqualified on December 4.