Once Hrithik Roshan was confirmed to play mathematician Anand Kumar in Super 30, there were rumours that a newbie would be cast opposite him. Now, it looks like Mrunal Thakur might bag the Vikas Bahl film. Mrunal, who became popular as Bulbul in the television series Kumkum Bhagya, might be seen as Hrithik’s wife in the biopic. Last year, she was signed for the Indo-American film Love Sonia made by Life Of Pi producer David Womark. Since then, the actress has been noticed by many production houses including Yash Raj Films. Though most debutantes opt for a part where they can look their glamorous best, Mrunal chose a de-glam role for her debut international project. And looks like, she will take the same route in B-Town, too.
Earlier this year, Anand had met Katrina Kaif when talks with Hrithik were still on. A picture of the two surfaced online, which led to speculations that she would share screen space with her Bang Bang co-star in the film. However, it was soon clarified that wasn’t the case. Currently, casting is also on for the 30 actors who will be seen playing students coached by Hrithik’s character for IIT-JEE.
A few actresses who were approached for the role were sceptical about it as it has limited screen time. Says a source, “They had reservations about the length of the role, but it is an important part. It’s a great thing for a new actress to begin her career with. As for Hrithik, he has never had any reservations about working with newcomers. He was cast opposite newbie Pooja Hegde in Mohenjo Daro.”