Mumbai: Yug Pathak, the co-owner of Mojo Bistro, told the NM Joshi Marg police while he was aware of the illegal construction (a temporary partial roof) carried out on their premises in Kamala Mills, the details were with his partner Yug Tulli, who was the head of operations, said sources.
The fire at the bistro and the neighbouring 1Above left 14 dead and 55 injured. Pathak, son of former IPS officer KK Pathak, was arrested on Saturday and has been remanded in police custody till January 12.
Pathak and Tulli, a Nagpur-based hotelier, have been booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The fire brigade report revealed the fire started from hookah coals in Mojo and spread to 1Above, owing to combustible material and illegal alterations.
In his third statement, Pathak told police he was aware that the renovation was illegal.
The police are now on the lookout for Tulli, along with the owners of 1Above restaurant, Kripesh and Jigar Sanghvi and their partner Abhijit Mankar.
According to sources, Pathak said he was not present at the spot the night the fire broke out.