Published On : Mon, Feb 12th, 2018

PIET Bengaluru Alumni Meet Chapter Installation at Bengaluru


Nagpur: Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha’s (LTJSS) Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET) conducted Alumni meet 2018 at Cherish Banquet Hall, Marathahalli, Bengaluru recently on 10/02/2018. In all ,85 Plus alumni belonging to various branches from different companies attended the meet.

Prof. Archana Potnurwar, Alumni Coordinator PIET ,delivered the welcome speech and expressed her views on growth and achievement of PIET.

Prof. R.M. Pethe, TPO, PIET, briefed Alumni about various training, CSR, Industrial visit and other activities carried out at Institute level for raising the placement of our students passouts as well made them aware about the growth of college.

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Dr. V. M. Nanoti, Principal, PIET delivered the presidential address to encourage the students to perform excellence for the uplifment of the society and also asked to start their own start-up and also formed the Bengaluru Alumni student chapter body of PIET, for strengthening the network of PIET Alumni.

For this student chapter, Mr. Nigam Singh from Mechanical Engineering elected as a President, Mr. Deepak Mishra from Information Technology as a Vice-President and Mr. Prashant Kumar, from Electronic and Communication Engineering elected as Secretary.

An interactive session was also organized on the occasion for the Alumni to share their achievement in their respective lives after passing out from PIET. Many also expressed their views and shared their old memories about the college.

Students from 2009 passout attended the meet and from various companies like Oracle, IBM, Big-Basket, Accenture, TCS, DXC Technologies, Bio-Con ltd; Cipla, Mind Tree, Tokopedia, SAP Lab, Cap-Gemini, Bosenand those who have their start-up.
