Nagpur: Horizon-2018, Students’ convention was organised by BE First Year Department, Priyadarshini College of Engineering recently. Around 500 students participated from different Engineering colleges in different events such as ‘Mathematica’ – aptitude test by the Department of Applied Mathematics, ‘Eloquence’ – a debate competition by Department of Humanities, ‘Rasayan’ – a poster competition and Sci-Tricks by the Department of Applied Chemistry, ‘Resonance’ – poster and model making competition by Department of Applied Physics, ‘Momentum’ – a poster and quiz competition by the first year Department of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical.
The programme was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr Neeraj Khaty, Director, Board of Examination and Evaluation, RTMNU and guest of honour was Dr Yogesh Deshpande, Head, Department of Humanities, VNIT. Dr Manisha Joshi delivered welcome speech and instructed students about competition.
Principal Dr M P Singh emphasised over the importance of participation in such events. VicePrincipal Dr S A Dhale threw light over the scope for technical education in India. The programme was anchored by Dr Priyanka Warnekar. Dr Seema Rawat proposed a vote of thanks.