Nagpur: Under the RTE, the state government had sanctioned only for Nagpur district about Rs 11.92 crore just One and a half months before. The English Medium School Directors giving admission under RTE had expressed displeasure over not getting funds. After that, now the education officer has given information about funds to schools in 2 days. Due to lack of funds for the schools even after one and a half months, the officials of the MESTA (Maharashtra English School Trustees Association) had urged the Zilla Parishad’s CEO and the education officer. The Office bearers of MESTA had also threatened that, they will not give admission to the students as the funds are not released.
After that on Friday, the Primary Education Officer of the District Council, Deependra Lokhande, gave relief to the school directors and said that in 42 days, 429 schools will be funded. The fund has come to them. Even if the education officer has assured that funds will be given in two days. But MESTA’s office-bearers said that the education department has been saying this for the last 15 days. MESTA has also questioned the fund have not been relerased when it has come to them. An official of the Education Department said on condition of anonymity that even though the education officer is talking about funding in two days, this process will take more than a week.