Salman Khan has been sentenced to five years of imprisonment in the blackbuck poaching case by the Jodhpur court. The actor landed in the city yesterday, along with his sisters, Alvira Agnihotri, and Arpita Khan Sharma. Other accused in the case – Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam also flew down to the city yesterday. Today, everyone got acquitted in the case except for Salman. The actor left the court premises for Central jail and as per rumours, the mandatory process of medical examination in underway.
A video of the actor coming out of the court and walking to the police vehicle has been doing the rounds on net. Fans have reached the court and are rooting for him there. You can see people crowded around him. Salman can be seen moving out of court and hurrying towards the vehicle. We can only imagine what could be going on in his head.
Check out the video right here