Nagpur: Nagpur will soon witness the third monsoon session of Maharashtra legilature happening in the city in the last 58 years. The state government will soon make an official announcement in this regard. The monsoon session is likely to begin from July 4, said the sources. A committee comprising three ministers — Sudhir Mungantiwar (finance), Girish Bapat (parliamentary affairs) and Subhash Desai (industries) — is scheduled to meet in Mumbai on Wednesday on the issue. Divisional commissioner Anoop Kumar, CP K Venkatesham, municipal commissioner Ashwin Mudgal and PWD chief engineer Ulhas Debadwar have also been called for the meeting. Official sources told media the committee is likely to direct the officials to start preparations for the monsoon session. “The committee will also seek views of the officials on holding monsoon session in the city.”
Since the formation of the state in 1960, 54 sessions have been held in the city of which monsoon sessions were conducted twice — in 1961 and 1971. As per the Nagpur Pact signed on September 28, 1953 which paved way for creation of unified Maharashtra, it is mandatory for the government to hold one of the legislature sessions in the city. Accordingly, winter session is held every year in the city in December.
With the possibility of MLA hostel — Manorama — at Mumbai going for re-development, the chances of holding winter session also in the city cannot be ruled out. In the past, two sessions in a year were held in the city in 1980 and 1986.