The one absolutely excellent thing that came out of Tubelight was the camaraderie shared between Salman Khan and his 7-year-old co-star Matin Rey Tangu. Remember the time when they were at a press-conference and just did not care about the world? The funny video clippings from the event went viral on the internet. Now, we have another video with a potential to go viral. Matin and Salman joined hands with Arunachal Pradesh tourism for a promotional video which has been released on the internet and is trending on Twitter.
In this sweetness-overload of a video, we see Matin answering all of Salman’s queries about vacationing in Arunachal Pradesh. The little kid tells the star about what to do, where to go while in Arunachal Pradesh with his trademark candid and naughty shenanigans. What struck me the most is how in middle of the video, Matin starts fidgeting with the iconic bracelet that Salman has on his hand and the superstar gives zero attention to it.