Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today faced angry protests during his visit to Kushinagar to get a first-hand account of the train-school van collision that left 13 children dead. As Adityanath reached the accident spot after visiting the district hospital, an angry crowd raised slogans against railway and local authorities.
The chief minister tried to pacify them using a megaphone. “Narebazi bandh karo, nautanki bandh karo” (stop raising slogans, stop this drama). I have come here to express my sympathies,” he said.
However, the protesters were not satisfied and some of them squatted on the railway track. They demanded that railway personnel should be posted at the unmanned crossing to avoid such accidents.
Members of the Bar Council, Kushinagar, also complained about the “irresponsible attitude” of the district hospital staff. “As soon as they saw 13 bodies, senior officials of district hospital at Kushinagar referred four injured children and the driver to BRD Hospital without even administering first aid,” members of the Bar Council complained to the chief minister, according to an official.