Nagpur News:
Brands academy education excellence awards felicitates S.B Jain institute of technology, management & research as the “fastest emerging engineering college in Maharashtra on 13th of April 2013 at New Delhi. This was a proud moment when Secretary of SBJITMR Mr Anuj Badjate and Trustee Mr Preeti Badjate received the award from the hands of well known identity who is also known as the Advertising Guru Mr Pralhad Kakkar .The award was based on various parameters which further included areas like academic excellence, polished infrastructure, innovations, training and placements of the institution, Research & development and other extracurricular activities in campus. CEO Mr Sanjeev Agrawal and Principal Dr Narendra Bawane of SBJITMR were extremely happy on this achievement and heartily committed to strive for excellence and congratulated all the staff members for their support and dedication and encouraged for upcoming future Endeavour’s.