Recently, there were reports that Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Aanand L Rai, who will reportedly shoot the climax of Zero at Rock Centre USA, have left for America and the pictures of the trio being spotted at the US consulate in Mumbai went viral. Reportedly, the trio, who went to meet the consulate in Mumbai, had a great chat about filming their movie ‘Zero’. According to latest reports, Anushka has already reached the venue for the shoot. Yes, the actress, earlier today, took to her Instagram handle to share a picture of her shoot location. Alongside the picture of a temple, she wrote, “A tranquil temple & my shoot location today… #Zero #TeamPixel #Pixel2XL.”
Speaking of the climax being shot in the West, a source, in a statement to Bollywood Life, had informed, “With Zero having several elements of science fiction, the makers wanted to give it a befitting end. So you will see the climax of the film take place on Mars. While you might find this to be very strange, there is actually quite a logical reason as to why the climax will take place on Mars and you will come to know about it while watching the movie.”
Written by Himanshu Sharma and helmed by Aanand L Rai, Zero, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Anushka Sharma in pivotal roles, will be hitting the theatres on Christmas this year. For the very first time, Shah Rukh will be seen playing the role of a dwarf in 25 years of his glorious career.