Nagpur: Sticking to his words of warning, the new Municipal Commissioner Virendra Singh suspended five “Late Latif” employees of Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The suspended employees include Deputy Engineer of Dhantoli Zone Manoj Singh.
It is worth mentioning that the top NMC boss had taken serious note of whims and fancies of Nagpur Municipal Corporation babus who take ‘pride’ in ‘Late Latif’ style. The Municipal Commissioner had put the Department Heads on notice. If the employees and officials were found showing their faces late in the office, the Heads of Departments will be held responsible for the nasty habit. “If the employees and officials failed to improve their working style, they will face salary cuts,” warned the Municipal Commissioner in a meeting held with Department Heads.
On Wednesday morning at 10,Virendra Singh paid surprise visits to Dhantoli and Dharampeth Zone offices. Additional Commissioner Ravindra Kumbhare also was accompanying him. Singh first ordered to close the main gate and checked the attendance register in Dhantoli Zone. He found that Manoj Singh, Deputy Engineer, was not present in the office. He directed Kumbhare to suspend him immediately. He also directed to check the late comers standing outside the main gate of the office and deduct a day’s payment from their salary. The Municipal Commissioner directed the officers concerned to install biometric attendance system in all the NMC offices. The employees, who show their faces after 10 am will be suspended, he added.
Later, the top NMC boss visited Dharampeth Zone office at 10.15 am. He found some employees not present in the office. He ordered suspension of MG Bhoyar, AS Sheikh, Nitin Zade, and Anil Nimborkar. Singh’s action sent tremors in NMC and especially among the babus who did not pay heed to warning to reach the office in time.
After taking charge as Municipal Commissioner, Virendra Singh gave a dressing down to officials over late coming of employees. He had found that despite installation of biometrics machines, several employees, after punching, ‘vanish’ from office in afternoons. Later, in the evening, they just go home by again punching the biometrics machines. A deluge of complaints were received in this regard. When the office reporting time is 10 am, the ‘Late Latif’ employees show their faces at 10.30 or even late. But leave to the office ‘punctually’ at 5.45 pm by punching. In between, a number of employees desert their departments and ‘roam’ outside for different job.