South Point School, Omkar Nagar, maintained the tradition of 100% result for 20th consecutive year in SSC examination. Principal Dr Mrunalini Dasture highlighted the wonderful SSC result. Out of 145 students, 48 students are in the order of merit, 113 students are in distinction while remaining are in 1st division.
She congratulated the students for giving qualitative performance. Deaven Dasture, Director of school, also congratulated the toppers, all the students and their parents. The student gave credit of their success to their highly experienced team of teacher who constantly and tirelessly guided them to help them achieve their goals.
All the respective subject heads of the school Manisha Salunke, Jaishree Deshmukh, Samta Vasudeva, Sangeeta Singh and Anjali Deshpande were very elated by the performance of the student. Headmistress Shraddha Kelapure, HM (SPPS) not only congratulated the students but her competent teams of teachers for maintaining the glory of the school.