Nagpur: With Prime Minister Narendra Modi throwing the fitness challenge to all IPS officers above 40 years of age, the Nagpur Commissioner of Police Dr K Venkatesham has accepted the challenge. The top cop even otherwise works out for one hour daily but after accepting Modi’s challenge, Dr Venkatesham has shared a video on his Tweeter account.
The video shows the Commissioner of Police doing exercise and Yoga. Dr Venkatesham feels that every individual must take care of his or her health. “Policing requires high levels of physical and mental fitness. The natural track at Seminary Hills is best track in the world.
The spot is my favourite for morning walk and jogging. To keep the Police Department fit, a modern gymnasium has been set up at Police Headquarters with the help of Hindustan Petroleum. This Gym is best and most modern one in the city. I work out for 60-90 minutes daily. The workout includes different exercises and Yoga,” the top police boss said.
Fitness 2 contribute more 2 country #FitnessChallenge @IPS_Association Police FITNESS center by HPCL I challenge MD @HPCL & all nagpurians
— C.P. Nagpur City (@nagpurcp) June 14, 2018
In his Tweeter message, Dr Venkatesham has thrown fitness challenge to Nagpurians.
Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday morning nominated Indian Police Service or IPS officers, especially those above 40, to take up the fitness challenge which was started by Union Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore. “I am delighted to nominate… the entire fraternity of brave IPS officers, especially those above 40,” Modi said. The tweet went viral among the forces and all rank officers kept discussing it through the day.