B-town fans spent entire Saturday looking for updates on the roka ceremony (engagement) of actor Priyanka Chopra and pop star Nick Jonas. The relationship was sealed in presence of parents of both Priyanka and Nick. Nick is in Mumbai with his parents, Denise and Paul Kevin Jonas Sr.
Even as the paparazzis were out to zoom in their lenses for every single click from the event, the prospective groom Nick took to Instagram to share a beautiful picture from the ceremony. Nick Jonas shared an adorable photo with Priyanka Chopra and wrote, “Future Mrs Jonas, my heart, my love”. Priyanka, on the other hand, writes, “Taken…with all my heart and soul”.
The roka was conducted at Priyanka Chopra’s home in the morning. It will be followed by a bash with friends and family at night. Bollywood celebs are expected to turn up in droves to attend the party. According to reports, the couple has requested guests and family members to not use their cellphones while at the venue.
A priest conducted the roka ceremony at Priyanka Chopra’s home in the morning. It will be followed by a bash with friends and family at night.
The popstar is said to have popped the question on Priyanka’s birthday on 18 July in London.