Nagpur: Pratap Nagar police are searching two unidentified bike borne goons who torched a Hyundai car parked outside compound of a house in Khamla area in the wee hours of Sunday. The owner of the car was put to loss of Rs 1 lakh in the arson act.
A resident of Sindhi Colony, near New Shiv Mandir, Khamla, Vijay Amarlal Hemlani (39), told police that his brother had parked his Hyundai car (MH-39/B/7461) outside the compound of their house.
Around 02:30 hours of Sunday, two unidentified vandals, riding a Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle, set the car ablaze and fled the spot. The owner of the car suffered loss of Rs 1 lakh in the arson act on the part of the two goons.
Pratap Nagar police constable Shedmake has booked the two accused goons under Sections 435, 34 of the IPC and launched a search to nab them.