Nagpur: In one more house-breaking incident, cash and gold ornaments worth Rs 1.68 lakh were stolen in Vidyapati Nagar, MIDC.
A resident of Plot No. 6, Vidyapati Nagar, MIDC, Deepak Someshwar Bhourjar (29), along with family, had to his relative’s house for a function between 2 pm of Sunday and 11.30 am of Monday. In the meantime, an unidentified miscreant broke open the lock of the front door of Deepak’s house and fled with cash Rs 50,000 and gold ornaments worth Rs 1.18 lakh kept in a cupboard.
MIDC API S S Gaekwad has registered an offence under sections 454, 457, 380 of IPC and searching for the burglar.