City police commissioner Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay paid a pleasant visit to senior Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan at Hotel Radisson on Saturday evening. Dr Upadhyay was accompanied by all his senior men in khakhi aka DCPs of all zones during his visit.
It may be mentioned that senior Bachchan is currently in Nagpur to shoot for director Nagraj Manjule’s first Hindi outing ‘Jhund’. The movie is based on the life of city’s veteran football coach and founder of Slum Soccer Vijay Barse.
Even as the fans of millennium star have been trying too hard to meet their idol, senior city policemen got this wonderful opportunity to meet Bachchan who is playing lead in Jhund.
During the meeting Big B had all praise for the cops who also had a brief discussion with Manjule about the minutes of shooting going on in the city.