Sequels have become a favourite with Bollywood, and now Rani Mukerji is ready to return to the big screen with Mardaani 2. It was in 2014 that Rani took on the role of a feisty police officer Shivani Shivaji Roy for Pradeep Sarkar’s film, and now four years later, the makers have announced the sequel to the hit film.
A day after Rani celebrated her daughter Adira’s second birthday, the actress announced her return to 70 mm with Mardaani 2.
This time the film will be directed by Gopi Puthran.
“Mardaani is and will always be extremely close to my heart. Right since its release, everyone has asked me time and again when I would be doing Mardaani 2 and I am sure that this announcement will come as a pleasant surprise to them all. Gopi has written an extraordinary script that we all love and I can’t wait to start shooting this film soon,” Rani Mukerji said in a statement posted on YRF’s Twitter page.
#RaniMukerji‘s next is #Mardaani2
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) December 10, 2018
The last time her character destroys a human trafficking racket, and this time, she will be facing yet another merciless villain.
“Shivani will face a cold, merciless villain who has no empathy, no fear of God and is pure evil. The character has been written superbly and I’m excited to find out who the actor will be,” added Rani.