Published On : Thu, Jan 10th, 2019

Social Media will be the Ultimate Psychological – Sociology Mechanism For Drafting Panchayat to Parliament 2019 Election Results


By : Ajeet Parse -Social Media Analyst

Indian Politics has observed a revolution of change over the period of time and its dependency over social media to connect with people experiencing the fellow democracies and its effect. Over its diversified nature, 40% of its total population constitute of Indian youth and concerning to the popular culture, Indian political parties are holding to internet and social media to connect with youth for their agenda and political events. Observing the famous 2014 general elections of India, social media was the battleground of various political campaign and tremendous flow of varied political opinions.

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At the last election in 2014, Congress was crushed by the techno-savvy Shree Narendra Modi and his array of social media weapons, including a flurry of tweets from his personal account, a BJP campaign on Facebook and holographic displays of NAMO in remote villages. Congress leader Shree Rahul Gandhi got a Twitter account only in 2015. But the opposition party is catching up and the playing field has gotten a lot bigger. Still, fighting NAMO online isn’t easy. With 43 million followers on Facebook and 45 million on Twitter globally, he is among the world’s most followed politicians. Congress’s Gandhi still only has 8.1 million followers on Twitter and 2.2 million on Facebook.


Practical use of social media can be established with the participation of every representative of the Panchayat to the level of Parliament – “Image Building – Branding” can be set up to the general public. Daily and major issues such as the image of every representative, work graph, fulfillment of promises etc. will generally create more confidence, which will definitely benefit the future party, the organization at all levels. Without the basic aim of the organization, the example of a successful all the right democracy in Indian politics, social work and power will be created for the whole world by the positive, effective media of social media.

Any organization or party’s winnings ability must be checked by the basis on the community social media follow-up of the entire organization. It is essential to create a base on social media follow-up in society, politics and organization of all the parties, ie, all the representatives of Panchayat to Parliaments, on the basis of this, the base will be able to get the trust of the people positively. Based on the active, permanent social media follow-up, the base will deliver every representative to the household in the home. If such practices create confidence in the public, then it is essential to realize that the representatives of the entire political party will get in the golden period.

India now has 450 million smartphone owners against 155 million at the last election in 2014, according to Counterpoint Research. That’s more than the entire population of the United States, the crucible for election campaigns on social media. India already has close to 900 million eligible voters, and an estimated half-a-billion have access to the Internet. The country has 300 million Facebook users and 200 million on Facebook’s , WhatsApp Messaging Service – more than any other democracy.

Millions use Twitter. Social media and data analytics will be the main actors in the upcoming India elections. Their use would be unprecedented as both parties now use social media . The potential for abuse is also immense, with incendiary news and videos capable of fanning violence in the sprawling multi-religious and multi-ethnic nation. Fake news and messages circulated on social media have led to more than 30 deaths since last year, mostly rumors were about child kidnapping gangs.

WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption allows groups of hundreds of users to exchange texts, photos and video beyond the purview of authorities, independent fact checkers or even the platform itself. WhatsApp has limited the number of messages a user can forward in one go to 20 but in India specifically the ceiling was fixed at five. The company blocked “Hundreds of Thousands” of accounts in Brazil during the election period. But further many other Social Media Messaging Apps like Telegram are also an open , unlimited Platform for messaging at large with so called Broadcasts .

In today’s date many organizations , parties will try to create a “Psychosomatric Profile” by making every voter a proportionate influence on the propaganda, dissemination and outcome of the election, and the organization, the parties decide on your policies. Ground level workers are permanently linked with the policies of the party through social media, and more effectively, they will be uniform in all levels with the public in the elections. In the coming days, the elections will not be exaggerated if it is said that the decisions will be mainly taken by the social media on smartphones, laptops and computers.

Political campaigns rely on data operations for a number of decisions: where to hold rallies, which states to focus on, and how to communicate with supporters, undecided voters and non-supporters. Essentially, companies like Cambridge Analytica do two things : profile individuals, and use these profiles to personalise political messaging. Data brokers and online marketers all collect or obtain data about individuals (your browsing history, your location data, who your friends are, or how frequently you charge your battery etc.), and then use these data to infer additional, unknown information about you (what you’re going to buy next, your likelihood to be female, the chances of you being conservative, your current emotional state, how reliable you are, or whether you are heterosexual etc.)

Psychometrics is a field of psychology that is devoted to measuring personality traits, aptitudes, and abilities. Inferring Psychometric Profiles means learning information about an individual that previously could only be learned through the results of specifically designed tests and questionnaires: how neurotic you are, how open you are to new experiences or whether you are contentious.

Psychometric Predictions are a pretty common practice. Researchers can predicted personality from Instagram Photos, Twitter profiles and phone-based metrics. IBM offers a tool that infers personality from unstructured text ( Such as Tweets, emails, your blog ) . The start-up Crystal Knows gives customers access to personality reports of their contacts from Google or social media and offers real-time suggestions for how to personalise emails or messages.

Psychometrics, sometimes also called psychographics, focuses on measuring psychological traits, such as personality. In the 1980s, two teams of psychologists developed a model that sought to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the “Big Five.”

These are : Openness ( How open you are to new experiences? ) , Conscientiousness ( How much of a perfectionist are you ? ) , Extroversion ( How sociable are you ? ) , Agreeableness ( How considerate and cooperative you are ? ) and Neuroticism ( Are you easily upset ? ) . Based on these dimensions—they are also known as OCEAN, an acronym for openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism—we can make a relatively accurate assessment of the kind of person in front of us. This includes their needs and fears, and how they are likely to behave. The “Big Five” has become the standard technique of psychometrics. But for a long time, the problem with this approach was data collection, because it involved filling out a complicated, highly personal questionnaire.

Using profiling to Micro-Target, Manipulate and Persuade individuals is a dangerous and a threat to any democracy. The entire point of building intimate profiles of individuals, including their interests, personalities, and emotions, is to change the way that people behave. This is the definition of marketing — political or commercial. When companies know that you are depressed or feeling lonely to sell you products you otherwise wouldn’t want, political campaigns and lobbyists around the world can do the same: target the vulnerable, and manipulate the masses.

We are moving towards a world where your hairbrush has a microphone and your toaster a camera; where the spaces we move in are equipped with sensors and actuators that make decisions about is in real-time. All of these devices collect and share massive amounts of personal data that will be used to make sensitive judgments about who we are and what we are going to do next . So sure the 2019 Elections will be crafted , drafted on Social Media with Smartphones , Laptops & Cyberspace Applications .
