Nagpur: There was high voltage drama in the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court on Wednesday, a day before Holi. During the contempt proceedings against advocate Arvind Waghmare, another contempt notice was issued against him and was handed over to the police immediately. However, he was given relief, as he tendered unconditional apology to the HC bench. Advocates had thronged inside the courtroom and in the corridors of the HC to see the outcome.
The division bench of justices Zhaka Haq and told advocate Waghmare, “We do not get any sadistic pleasure in punishing lawyers. But matters were so serious that it was necessary to initiate strict action.”
Waghmare was warned not to repeat such behaviour in future. HC had filed criminal contemtpt proceedings against Waghmare and four others. Waghmare demanded video recording of the proceeding, which the court permitted after he paid Rs one lakh.
When the division bench began dictating the final order, Waghmare began disrupting the proceedings, because he made some objectionable allegations, which irked the judges, because Waghmare cast aspersions on them. Waghmare accused the justices of being biased and demanded to transfer his case. Initially the judges tried explaining to Waghmare, but once the situation went out of hand, they called the police and asked them to take Waghmare into custody.
In the second session of the session, Waghmare tendered apology and requested the judges, who made it clear, unless he tendered an unconditional apology, the proceedings will not be cancelled. The HC rejected the new contempt proceedings and adjourned the hearing for the old case to April 2.