Nagpur: As the election season is gaining heat with the rise in mercury, a news running on satellite news channel escalated the poll gossips to new heights. The news claimed that Union Minister will be doubling up as candidate from Indore Lok Sabha seat apart from being in fray from Nagpur Lok Sabha seat as well.
However the news turned out to be an election fluke as Gadkari came forward to rubbish the rumor.
Talking to Nagpur Today, Nitin Gadkari cleared the air that the rumors of him contesting from Indore was a plain poll gimmick played by some poll elements who were trying to gain mileage through false news.
Gadkari said that whether he win or lose, he will be solely contesting from Nagpur Lok Sabha constituency.
He also appealed the voters not be carried away by any such poll tactics, and remain alert from such baseless propaganda.