Nagpur: A police team from neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh has mysteriously arrested two notorious criminals from Ganeshpeth bus stand on Wednesday. However the city police are reportedly clueless about the arrest of these two men who are reportedly based in MP.
However, the matter came to fore the when the city crime branch managed to get their hands on the MP police, informed a source to Nagpur Today.
As per the source, MP police nabbed accused duo from Ganeshpeth bustop. They were carrying a black bag compromising one kilograms of gold, five kilograms of silver and cash Rs 40 lakh, added the source.
When Nagpur Today took matter to senior officials of city police, they denied having any idea about this matter but as per the source, following this information, the sleuths of Crime Branch launched the manhunt for the MP cops along with accused. Soon city cops managed to get their hands on them. Then new angle came to picture, that MP cops was searching for these two criminals for quite some time. Few days back the MP cops had received the tip off that on Wednesday the two criminals will leave for Nagpur, to sell stolen gold and silver. Following which MP cops got to Nagpur on Tuesday, and were waiting for them at Ganeshpeth bus stop. Soon the accused duo got off the bus the MP cops nabbed them and left for MP.
However timely action of city Crime Branch managed to get their hands on them.
Beside the actual worth of the goods in the bag, it is yet to clear that why MP police initiated this drive without informing Nagpur police.
Further details awaited