Nagpur: One of the wanted criminal was allegedly stabbed to death by two persons at Chakrabhuj Nagar in the wee hours of Monday following a row erupted over an earlier incident of road rage. Police said Vickey Chavan, released from jail around a month ago, had a heated confrontation with two bikers after their two-wheelers dashed against his vehicle on Wadi Ring Road. Chavan and the two others had left the place after vowing to teach each other a lesson.
The bikers, identified as Arpit Nimburkar and Abhishek Warrarpande, later were rounded up by Wadi police station.
Sources said Chavan and his friend Abhishek Mehre later in the evening went to the residence of Nimburkar to confront them once again. Nimburkar had then gone elsewhere. He had rushed back home hearing Chavan and Mehere were creating a ruckus in front of their home.
In the subsequent fight, Nimburkar and Warrarpande learnt to have snatched the sharp weapon that Chavan was using to attack them before using it to eliminate the goon. Chavan’s friend Abhishek Mehre too was injured in the fight.
Wadi police have now registered a case of murder against Nimburkar and Warrarpande.