Reliance Jio will give users a free LED TV with HD or 4K resolution if they opt for Jio Forever Plan. No, this is not a joke. The announcement was made by Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani at the company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) as he revealed details of the Jio Fiber launch. The Jio GigaFiber is launching on September 5 and while the details are still not fully revealed Ambani has said that customers who opt for long-term Jio GigaFiber plans will get free TVs.
For now details of TV brands are not yet revealed. It is also not known if the TVs will be entirely free or if there will be a security deposit before customers get it. Ambani said that the free TVs are part of Jio Welcome Offer that the company will be rolling out for early Jio GigaFiber users.
With Jio Welcome Offer, Jio GigaFiber users will have the option to get a free LED television when GigaFiber services launch on September 5.
Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani said that Jio GigaFiber users will get a free HD or 4K TV with long term plans.
For now no other details like the brand of the TV have been revealed.
Jio GigaFiber will launch on September 5 and will come with speed of up to 1gbps.