Nagpur: Ambazari police have booked three tricksters including a Shiwaji Nagar based man allegedly for posing themselves as officials of RAW, Defense and Interpol to dupe a Pune based man and others collectively of Rs 5 crore between year 2010 and 2017.
Cops have booked accused identified as Rajsingh alias Rajeshkumar Tarkeshwarsingh, a native of Jharkhand, Keshavrao D Padole, a resident of Nirmal Pooja Building Shiwaji Nagar and R Krushnakumar, a resident of Chennai under relevant Sections of the IPC.
According to police, the accused trio had met complainant Vinit Ramlaalprasad Singh (41), a resident of Bramhasan City, Building No. 6, Wadgaon, Pune back in 2010 and had introduced themselves as officials of RAW, Defense and Interpol. After taking Vinit into confidence, the accused Rajsingh, Keshavrao and Krushnakumar then sought some financial aid from Vinit on the pretext of ‘Super Attic Article’. Vinit unknowing of their true identity provided them money with a help from his friend. Over the years, the trio had siphoned Rs 5 crore from Vinit. However, when fraud came to fore in 2017, Vinit then lodged compliant at Ambazari police station.