Orange City Hospital & Research Institute a unit of Ravi Nair Hospital Private Limited is regularly conducting Cochlear Implant Surgeries to provide much needed advanced succor to needy children who are unable to hear from birth. OCHRI had launched their Cochlear Implant program under the name of “Project Geetha”, Freedom from deafness on 16th August 2015. Parents of children born with hearing defects now have a new ray of hope. Such hearing-impaired children in the city and central India now look forward to this new bionic ear implant, which not only allows them to hear but also speak normally. More than 130 surgeries have now been undertaken under OCHRI’s Project Geetha backed by Tata Trusts & Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
To allay the worries of cochlear implant recipient parents, a novel 1 day workshop was organized on 1st Dec by VConnect Foundation under aegis of Nagpur Mahila Club and OCHRI.
Nagpur Mahila Club a unit of Ashrita Mahila Mandal, Nagpur is involved in many social projects across the city. VConnect Foundation is a parent support group for parents of children with hearing differences. VConnect was founded in 2007, by Vahishtai Daboo and Fatema Jagmag, both parents of children with hearing loss, who are also experts and practicing professionals in the field enabling children to listen and speak.
Parents of 80 preregistered cochlear implant recipients partook in this novel interactive 1-day workshop organized by V Connect Foundation at OCHRI in collaboration with Ummeed Child Development Center, much respected for its work in the field of children with disabilities.
The workshop intricately delved into learning about Children’s strength and how to discover positivity in them to make a distinct impact on their development through a scientific mental health framework on parents of children who have chosen ‘Listening and Spoken Language’ as the communication option.
Highlighting this undertaking; Dr. Vidya Nair- RNHPL Director informed that Orange City Hospital & Research Institute was the first hospital to introduce Cochlear Implant Surgeries to Central India. The concern to provide an adept counselling backup to parents of Cochlear Implant recipient children was felt since long wherein thankfully V Connect Foundation with its immense experience in this field came to help, she added.
The day long workshop was held in OCHRI Jaivik Hall. Prominently present during the commencement of event were Smt.Vilasini Nair, President- Nagpur Mahila Club, Dr. Usha Nair- RNHPL Director, Dr. Anup Marar- OCHRI Director and Mrs. Anita Bose, General Secretary – Nagpur Mahila Club
Julie Thakkar and Behroze Billimoria on behalf of V Connect team and Manjiri Damle, Ganesh Iyer, Prashant Tichkule, Bharti Badwaik, Madhukar Chanore and Avinash Ganar on behalf of OCHRI worked hard for success of this undertaking.