Nagpur News: The Leader of Opposition in Vidhan Parishad Vinod Tawde has found holes in Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan’s assurance on setting up of large number of textile industries in Vidarbha. “The State Government has totally failed in implementing the textile policy and has done nothing to set up Textile Park in Vidarbha, the hub of cotton. Moreover, the Textile Industries Minister Nasim Khan himself admitted that even though the Central Government has sanctioned establishment of 15 Textile Parks in Maharashtra, only one Textile Complex has been included in Vidarbha,” Tawde said giving reference of reply of the Minister in Vidhan Parishad.
“The Government has announced implementation of textile policy five years ago but deliberately neglecting setting up of Textile Park in cotton rich Vidarbha. The cotton producing farmers have been facing enormous problems due to negligent attitude of the State Government towards Vidarbha. I have demanded more capital concessions to Vidarbha’s Textile Park,” Tawde said.
The Minister had replied that since Vidarbha is largest producer of cotton in the State, the Government is making efforts to establish maximum Textile Parks in Vidarbha and taking other financial measures in this connection.