Nagpur News: For the first time in the history of Rev Stephen Hislop Memorial Football tournament, PWS college bagged the championship from the hosts after a tough and grueling encounter on the field for 60 minutes. Rahul Bante scored in the 51 minute to win the final for the winners at RTMNU ground on December 20,2013.
After the match, the prize distribution ceremony was conducted in Hislop College Quandrangle in front of the Principal’s office. The Chief guest of the function was Mr. Sudipto Singh, Member, Hislop Education Society. The guest of honour was Dr.(Ms) Dipti Christian, Principal, Hislop College.
The Discipline Trophy was given to Dhanwate National College for their good behavior and conduct in the whole tournament. It was always Hislop college who provides Discipline trophy as DISCIPLINE is an important charater in sportsmans life and every year this trophy is given. Individual prizes for best players of their team were given to Nelson Lakra of SFS College, Shahrukh Baig of G. S. College, Sagar Chintala of Dr. Ambedkar College, Saket Temburne of NIT college, Siddarth Suryawansi of Dhanwate National College and Abhilasha Bhowte of Hislop College for being the youngest player on field.
Rolling Winners trophy was given to PWS college and Rolling Runners up trophy was given to Hislop College by the hands of Chief guest. The officials of the tournament Mr. rajesh Nagrulkar, Mr. Vinod Tiwari, Mr. Sharique Sheikh and Mr. Vijay Chatap were also welcomed and felicitated by the hands of Dr. (Ms) Dipti Christian.
The Winning team were as follows :- Sunny Sahare, Irfanulla Khan, Shaab Rizwan, Zair Atir, Shabaz Noor Quershi, Pankaj Gaurah, Ankit Kanojia, Md. Shafik, Muzuammil Khan, Rahul Bante, Saheeb Anwar, Suraj Narnawara, Pawan Meshram, Subham Paspul, Christopher Peter, Santosh Menon. The Coach of the team was Atamaram Pande.
The results of the day were as follws:
PWS College beat Hislop College by 1-0
For PWS college : Rahul Bante 51”
Yellow Card :- Md. Shafik 28”, Sunny Sahare 51”, Rahul Bante 59” of PWS college got yellow card.
1st semifinal :- Hislop College beat Anjuman Engg College by 3-0
For Hislop College :- Seebin VErgis 37:, Amol Yadav 53”, 64”
Yellow Card:- Aamir Shahazad 28” and Aaquif Sawad 46” of Anjuman Engg College got yellow card.
2nd semifinal :- PWS college beat Ambedkar College by 4-1 (Regulation time 1-1)
Tie breaker score PWS college 3 and Ambedkar College 0
For PWS college :- Rahul Bante 60” (Rahul Bante, Md. Shafig, Zair Atir)
For Ambedkar College:- Abhilasha Sande 40”