Published On : Tue, Feb 4th, 2014

“Under Promise & Over Deliver helps in Growing fast” – CA. Sandeep Dhodapkar”


Nagpur News: Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI has organized Campus Orientation Programme for newly qualified Chartered Accountants at ICAI Bhavan, Dhantoli, Nagpur. Speaking at the occasion as the Chief Guest in the inaugural function, CA. Sandeep Dhodapkar, Associate Vice President, SMS Infrastructure Limited, said that the new members should keep themselves updated with knowledge & gain working knowledge as quickly as possible & learn from experience of senior colleague in the organization. He urged them to be innovative & fight the challenges & also strive to gain the quality to fight these challenges, he added. He asked them to under promise and over deliver, which helps to grow exponentially. He asked them to be tech savvy and apart from word, excel & PowerPoint, they must know basic amount of programming also. He asked them to maintain the value system imbibed by parents, teachers & family & also asked them to never compromise on this. He further said that first five years of honest hard work & dedication will help them for the rest of their life.

CA. Ashwini Agrawal, Vice Chairman, Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI in his welcome address said that the training, grooming & technical knowledge of CA Course makes the foundation for right combination of Knowledge, Skills & Ability in Young CA’s. He urged the new entrants to the profession to be loyal & dedicated to the employing organization & don’t run after only big pay packages.  He further said that the young CA’s should make a right choice for sustained professional & personal growth. He advised the new members to keep themselves updated with current developments in the economy. He assured them all possible help from Nagpur Branch of WIRC in their future endeavours.

The Campus Placement Programme organized by Committee for Members in Industry of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India & hosted by Nagpur Branch of ICAI provides an excellent opportunity to the corporate sector to scan through the particulars of large number of professional CA’s at one place, interview them & recruit the suitable candidate in their organization. It also helps the Young professionals to meet & explore the possibility of mutually beneficial relationship. Dr. Rashmi Bansal was the faculty for the Campus Orientation Programme.

Gold Rate
Wednesday March 2025
Gold 24 KT 87,800 /-
Gold 22 KT 81,700 /-
Silver / Kg 99,500 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

CA. Swapnil Ghate, Treasurer, coordinated the programme & proposed the Vote of Thanks while CA. Kirit Kalyani introduced the Chief Guest. Prominently present on the occasion wereCA. Suren Duragkar and more than 50 young professional.

