Nagpur News.
The 16th Convocation ceremony of Government Polytechnic, Nagpur, an autonomous Institute of Maharashtra was held on Wednesday, February 12 in the institute premises in which 638 students were conferred with diplomas.
Dr. S.R.Wate, Director, CSIR-NEERI was the chief guest of the programme. While, Gulabrao Thakre,Joint Director, DTE Nagpur presided over the function. The Gold and silver medals as well as sponsored awards to the students securing first & second ranks in various engineering diploma programmes were distributed by Gulabrao Thakre and Dr. S.R. Wate. Total 27 sponsored awards are instituted by academicians, industry persons, and professionals for the meritorious students. At present the institute is running 12 engineering Diploma programs in which around 2800 students are on roll.
Nighot Pratik Arun a topper student from all engineering disciplines of the institute securing 94 50% marks received highest sponsored awards 5 and a gold medal during the convocation. He belongs to Metallurgical Engg Programme.
Joint Director,DTE Nagpur, Gulabrao Thakre in his presidential address briefed the students of the recent trends in the field of engineering. He said the engineering students now have lot of options in the field with wide range of courses available. He asked them to make most it and serve the country.
The meritorious students who got gold& silver are Kothawala Alimurtuza Husain, Civil (gold), Suresh Waghmare, Civil(silver), Naresh Nayank Mechanical(gold), Sunil Joshi Mechanical(silver), Niyazuddin Shaikh Electrical(gold), Shubham Jogi electrical(silver), Sunil Bute E&T(gold), Vinod Mahajan E&T(silver), Chandrashekar Thakur Packaging tech(gold), Arun Nighot metallurgy(gold), Bhagirnath Gandhi IT(gold),Narendra Nimje textile (gold), Ahmad Shaikh Automobile(gold), Rajnikant Pandey Computer engg( gold), Likheshwar Sonwane Travel&Tourism(gold).
A new award has been instituted from this convocation onwards, namely Dr. Pramodkumar Kundanlal Bandwar Smriti Award by Prof. AK. Bandwar Ex Faculty of Mining and Mine Surveying. Govt. Polytechnic, Nagpur in the memory of his elder brother to the ‘Best student of institute (Topper from all discipline). All the awards comprise of memento, cash prize and a citation.
The institute has also started awarding cash prizes to toppers from last three years.
In his convocation address Director,CSIR-NEERI, Dr.S.R. Wate congratulated the qualifying students and said,” I have no doubt that the students will continue to serve as worthy ambassadors for the Polytechnic by building upon reputation for excellence. I believe that graduates of the Govt. Polytechnic, Nagpur are unique, regardless of their chosen academic and technical areas. The students have the opportunity to enrich the lives of those around them. As the students embark upon and progress through their careers”.
Dr. Wate urged the students to always remember why they have chosen their respective field. what they have endured during study period and position themselves to serve our communities to improve the quality of life with compassion, honesty and integrity keeping nature as a focus. Students must discover their huge potential in becoming a professional par excellence through relentless efforts and hard work.
The Topper of Metullugry with 5 golds Nighot Pratik Arun, while talking to NagpurToday said, “ I want to do research in Metallurgy from MIT USA, and from Pune Govt Engg college.
His mantra for success was focus on lectures and study one subject everyday for two hours. He gave the credit of his success to his parents and teachers.
On the Dais present were D.S. Kulkarni, V.R. Jamdar, M.N. Ladde, S.N.Khanna and B.N.Shirghhade.
Training& Placement officer R.E .Gajbhiye proposed the vote of Thanks.