Assistant RTO Sudhakar Dhani
Nagpur News : The Chief Minister of Maharashtra Prithviraj Chavan while inaugurating the distribution of Auto-Rickshaw permits on the basis of lottery system took out 2 numbers. One of them is from Aurangabad, while the second one from Nagpur.
The on-line forms for the auto-rickshaw permits was available on from January 27, 2014 to February 15, 2014 on the official Maharashtra Government site www.autopermit.mahaonline.gov.in. A total of 2586 forms were submitted from Nagpur city. Of this only 2112 forms will be given permits.
In an exclusive talk with Nagpur Today, Assistant RTO Sudhakar Dhani said that this move of on-line form submission and lottery system of taking out the numbers of the permits is introduced in order to maintain transparency in the issue of permits and to prevent brokers and touts.
Since there was a confusion as to the timings of the display of the numbers on-line in a big screen put up on the 3rd floor of RTO Office, many auto-drivers were running from pillar to post trying to get information.
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