To support the electoral efforts of Dr. Mohan Gaikwad, BSP District President Vishwas Raut led a Padyatra in North Nagpur starting at 6 pm from the BSP campaign office at Mahendra Nagar. The rally was flagged off with the trademark blue flags by BSP candidate for Nagpur Loksabha seat Dr. Mohan Gaikwad. Bhadant Dhammapriya, Bhadant Karunik, along with Panchvargiya Bhikkusangh also expressed their support to Dr. Gaikwad by participating in the padyatra. At various places the BSP leaders indulged in door-to-door interaction with the localites, who expressed confidence in Dr. Gaikwad and wished him success in the elections. The rally covered a vast area including Mahendra Nagar, Yadav Nagar, Ekta Colony, Prabuddha Nagar, Yashodhara Nagar, etc.
More than 200 people participated in the padyatra. The Padyatra was prominently attended by NMC Party Leader Murlidhar Meshram, Sabhapati Gautam Patil, Corporator Abhishek Shambharkar, Mohd. Jamal, Nagsen Khobragade, Manisha Ghodeswar, Lalita Patil, Kishor Gajbhiye, Sanjay Jaiswal, Mohammad Jamal, Kshitij Pakhikhade, Punjabrao Meshram, Pratap Suryavanshi, Sunil Dongre, Vilas Somkuwar, Jagdish Gajbhiye, Vishal Godane, Prakash Deshbhratar, Balwant Raut, Anil Chandekar.