Nagpur Today.
The first Day of ‘Biped Robotics’ Workshop organised at AXIS-2014, VNIT was marked by zeal, enthusiasm, a thirst / hunger for knowledge and inquisitiveness which multiplied the number of attendees to manifold times at the venue. While speaking to Nagpur Today, the organizers claimed that this workshop has got tremendous response, from students all over Central India and from cities including Warangal, Raipur, Bilaspur, Jabalpur and Amravati.
Around 350 engineering students participated in the event. The teams participated in making BOT having two legs (unlike the usual where the robots had wheels). Kelvin Joseph Lewis from ARK Technosolutions, Mumbai was the trainer of the workshop. He is presently the Head of the R&D department there. Joseph expressed his content with the way the workshop is being conducted and also acknowledged the team work of AXIS for their cooperation and the amount of hard work that has been put in to ensure the smooth functioning of the workshop.
On Day one, the participants were made familiar with the various aspects of robotics. They were informed about robotics from the very scratch, about the types of automaton or robots and how and in which fields they are used and can be used. The students got to know about the significance of robots in fields such as military, medicine, agro, industry and R & D.
The focus of Day-1 Session was basic programming and the how they can control micro-controllers using a personal computer. They were taught how to use files on Arduino. The whole session was very interactive, said the participants.
Participants from VNIT, Nagpur and ITM University Raipur were reviewed and they expressed that the workshop conducted was of a good level and also personal attention was paid to almost everyone. The VNIT students said that they were being taught a level of programming which they had not been taught in college and would have never learnt had they not joined this workshop. Third year students from ITM University, Raipur agreed to their views and said that it is one of the best workshops they had ever attended. The overall response from the participants was excellent and they are all looking forward to Sunday, August 23, Session on main robotics.
“Robotics workshop is held every year in VNIT with different themes, last year the theme was Sixth Sense,” informed workshop co-ordinators Yogesh Rane and Manas Tewani.