Nagpur: In a significant development, police have filed charge-sheet in MPID Court against Prashant Jaideo Wasankar, Vinay Jaideo Wasankar and Abhijit Jayant Chaudhari, all associated with Wasankar Wealth Management Ltd, after collecting unflinching evidence against them in duping of investors case.
According to police, the filing of chargesheet is the outcome of an offence registered at Ambazari Police Station (Crime No. 156/2014) after a complaint was lodged by an investor and later by 303 other investors who were lured and duped by the three named accused to the tune of Rs 83,57,17,676 (Rs 83.57 crore) by promising high returns for their investments.The Crime Branch of Nagpur Police investigated the complaints filed at Ambazari Police Station and subsequently gathered concrete evidence against Prashant Jaideo Wasankar, Vinay Jaideo Wasankar and Abhijit Jayant Chaudhari in the high-profile fraud case. An offence was registered against the arrested accused under Sections 406, 420, 506, 120(B) of the IPC and Sub-Section 3 of Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors Act (MPID Act) 1999. After collecting the evidence, the chargesheet against the three accused was filed before the Special Sessions Judge of MPID Court on Wednesday.
The crime was investigated by Police Inspector Sudhakar Dhane, Head Constable Deepak Namewar under the guidance of Additional Commissioner of Police Sunil Kolhe, and ACP Nilesh Raut.
However, the defrauded amount of Rs 83,57,17,676 (Rs 83.57 crore) pertains to complaints filed at Ambazari Police Station. The amount could be much higher if the complaints filed at various other police stations are taken into consideration.
It may be recalled, Prashant Wasankar of Wasankar Wealth Management Ltd and his associates allegedly promised astronomical returns in fanciful but fraudulent investments. Hundreds of investors have reportedly been lured and duped. However, Wasankar and his group defaulted on many payments and thus left the investors high and dry.It is surfaced that the Wasankar Wealth Management Company has eroded the hard earn money of over 2000 people by offering them quantum hike in their sum within short span of time. Wasankar allegedly charged huge amount membership as much as Rs. 1 lakh per annum and collected over Rs 2000 crore. He assured the depositors by giving them post dated cheques offering around 30% interest on deposit.