Nagpur: The nominee of Shiv Sena from South Nagpur constituency received a shot in the arm when Nagpur Unit of Akhil Bharatiya Maratha Mahasangh and Gowari Shahid Smruti Samiti declared their support to the candidature of Kiran Pandav for October 15 Assembly election. Maratha Mahasangh’s Nagpur President Adv Gajendra Badhe and Joint Secretary Vijay Gujar announced the support while Prabhakar Tipte (Jain Kaka), Division Chief, announced support of Gowari Shahid Smruti Samiti.
Kiran Pandav and other Shiv Sena leaders addressed two public meetings held at Jadumahal in Vishwakarma Nagar and Dighori. Both the meetings were attended by a huge crowd of people and workers. Other leaders who were present included Kishore Kumeria, Mudhojirao Bhosale, Hitesh Yadav, Nitin Tiwari, Vikas Dhakre, Sunil Bhoskar, Pramod Sorte, Deepak Chakole, Dhote Sir, Ramesh Tijare, Kishore Dangre, Suresh Dhawle, Dnyaneshwar Dhobale, Vasantrao Gotmare, Suresh Solat, Suresh Kadav, and others.
The Shiv Sena candidate also embarked on a public contact tour and “Padayatra” and scanned several areas of South Nagpur constituency.