Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday visited Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh building premises in Reshimbagh and paid tributes to RSS Founder Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar at Smruti Mandir, Nagpur. Fadnavis garlanded the statue of Dr Hedgewar and spent some time there.
The Chief Minister was accompanied by Mayor Pravin Datke, City BJP President and East Nagpur MLA Krishna Khopde, other MLAs Sudhakar Deshmukh, Vikas Kumbhare, Chandrashekhar Bawankule, Sameer Meghe, Dr Milind Mane, Nana Shyamkule, MLC Prof Anil Sole, MP Ashok Nete, former Nagpur District Rural President Rajiv Poddar and others.
Fadnavis arrived in Nagpur on Sunday to a hero’s welcome the first time after becoming Chief Minister of Maharashtra.