Nagpur: Lakadganj police on Tuesday raided a building in the Red Light area, also known as Ganga Jamuna area, of the city and arrested a woman on the charges of forcibly detaining minor girls and pushing them into flesh trade. The cops have rescued a minor girl during the raid.
According to police, acting on a tip-off by a Pune-based social organization ‘Freedom Firm,’ the Lakadganj API Suresh Damuji Madavi and his team raided ‘Sudhakar Building’ in Ganga Jamuna area. The raiding cops found the accused woman Bindu Ganesh Patil (45), native of Badnapur, Gwalior (MP), running a brothel in a room in the ground floor of the building. The accused woman allegedly used to purchase minor girls in Gwalior and other areas and brought them to Nagpur. The accused Bindu Patil detained the girls forcibly in the room and then pushed them into flesh trade.
Lakadganj API Rajurwar registered an offence under Sections 344, 366(A), 372, 373 of the IPC and Sub-Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act and placed the accused Bindu Ganesh Patil under arrested.
Cops also rescued a minor girl during the raid and sent her to a rehabilitation centre in the city.