Nagpur: A 34-year old man was duped to the tune of Rs 4,25,000 in a Skoda car deal when the buyer breached the agreement and refused to pay the amount. One person has been booked in this connection.
According to police, the complainant Kaus Yunus Shaha (34), resident of Ward No. 1, Brahmani, Kalmeshwar in Nagpur District negotiated a deal with the accused Manish Indal Dhone (40), resident of Plot No. 1629, Vaishali Nagar, Pachpaoli over sale of his Skoda car. According to the deal, Kaus Yunus Shaha sold his Skoda car (MH-04/CT 0630) to the accused Manish Dhone for Rs 5,00,000. Of the Rs 5,00,000, the accused Manish Dhone paid Rs 75,000 to Kaus Yunus Shaha and agreed to pay remaining Rs 4,25,000 in writing on a Rs 100 Stamp Paper. However, the accused Manish Dhone after a period flatly refused to pay the remaining Rs 4,25,000 to Kaus Yunus Shaha and thus breached the agreement.
Jaripatka PSI Raut, acting on a complaint filed by Kaus Yunus Shaha, registered an offence under Section 420 of the IPC against the accused Manish Dhone and probing the matter further.